Hall Estill

Sign Up Today! Hall Estill's Labor & Employment Team presents the 4th  Annual J. Patrick Cremin HR Institute Oct. 18


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Steve Broussard

Diversity in the Workplace: Creating a Positive Culture of Acceptance and Inclusion

John Rogers

Understanding Religious Accommodations

Keith Wilkes

Expecting Changes in the Workplace; The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and PUMP Act

Diane Hernandez 

Form I-9: New Form, New Rules, New Penalties

Elaine Turner

After Bostock: Best Practices for Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues in the Workplace



People Talking People Talking

Founded in 1966 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Hall Estill is a full-service law firm with clients ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to traditional family businesses, as well as nonprofit organizations, entrepreneurial start-ups and individuals. More than 150 legal professionals work in the firm at offices in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Denver and Northwest Arkansas, assisting a diversified base of local, regional, national and international clients.

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